pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Sunday, April 5, 2009



My sis's godpa, who lived my house downstair third floor, had left us on the April Fool day......... His son suddenly passed away at Indonesia last year September had bought him a very big blow. Although he did not mentioned anything to us at all, but though... we knew it very well... Sooner he fell sick, and was found a tumour grew on his chest. He had lost his weight day by day, and the tumour is actually the cancer. The time he could only spend with us is less than 6 months, everything happened too fast.

His younger son came back and look after him after he had learnt about his brother's died. My dad had already warned us that his motive was not that simple, yet we were too naive to think that in other way. Finally$, he had shown his true colour after Godpa went for an operation, and his illness was getting bad. He called and sms my sis, he scolded my sis was an outsider, and he even warned and threaten her not to call Godpa, or else he will change his hp no. and even report to the police.

My sis was afraid that she could never contact Godpa if she call him again, so in the meanwhile she did not contact Godpa anymore.. Her heart was break when she received the call from that bastard on April fool day.. She scolded him why not let us visit Godpa when he was still alive, and what's the point to tell us he was died now?! I was very sad when i learnt about that, my tear just row down automatically.

What that bastard want is money only! How could he treat his dad like this? He did not even bother to call his another two elder brothers to see his dad the last time! So cruel he is! I curse him!!!! He will not have a good ending! He will suffer double of what he had done!!!

However all this is already a history, there's no point for me to bring up anymore. My heart will be even ache when i think of Ah Pei/godpa. I hope he will hear what we had tried to say to him on the funeral. I hope that he has already reunion with his wife and his third son in the heaven now. May his heart always be with us, and he will forever in our heart...


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