pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Saturday, March 14, 2009

140309 Relief @ BJ2

Today and tomorrow i will be relief @ BJ2. My second in-charge was on mc today, so in the end i got to run both store to clear their breaks. I'm still blur with BJ2 clothes arrangement, especially men session, i don't know their sizes. I was not very clear with the men tops promotion too. Rathna was back from her leave, whenever there's a payment, i will just let her do. LOLS. Don't wish to do any mistake at others' ppl place.

Sooner i will be "da hui yuan xing" have to wear back the part timer t shirt, no more full timer uniform for me anymore...!! I'm slighty unhappy with it... No matter what i had already wore the full timer uniform for years... Nowaday everywhere is so realistic due to cut cost...

I just learnt of something funny and disgusting...! My colleauges told me tt the phillipino girl who are here for attachment was actually a "L"!! OMGOSH! That mean my guess was correct!

Who will actually go and ask for the no. out of the blue?? Somemore her reaction was so weird, i even caught she peek at me when serving customer. If she really mean to be friend with me, she can just come and ask from me, instead of ask my colleague to ask from me rite?

She msg me at the night and asked me all those funny questions, it was sound like we've known each other for very long like that. She asked me whether i am attached, and why i am not since i am single? Tt time I had already sensed something weird... I just told her very directly though i am single, but i am not available cos don't wanna have any relationship. She was just like damn curious keep on asking me for the reason and all that related to relationship. I was a bit pissed off and curious, i asked her wat made her wanna ask for my no. ? She took a while to reply me, and her answer is she don't know, she just want my no.! Funny rite?!

This morning Patient Goh msg me. He asked me where am i, as he was going to amkc to find his friend. I told him i was working, and was not in amk hub, cos he thought amk hub got esprit. How silly am i... I thought he will suddenly pop up at my working place to disturb me... Well... Look like we are really not fated to meet...

ShiLing msg me and told me that Erucia called her and spot check whether she was with me...?? Hahaha...! I told her she should have told her she was with me siaz...! And she should be busy with her dating, and not to spot check on us!! Hehehe..! What a funny xiao mei mei... xp

I wonder how's SC already? This afternoon he has not reply my msg after i replied his msg on my break... Perhap he cannot have his phone with him???


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