pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

250209 Raining day

Last night i was at my house downstair waiting for cab, from out of no where pop out two china guys with two luggages standing in front of me! I was damn flare up they actually saw me, yet they still act blur and flagged the cab! I did not spend a second thought and walked toward them waiting for good opportunity! Just nice there was a cab stopped in front of them, i walked toward and used my side eye to stare at one of the fellow, then got into the cab! They are lucky that i mind my image did not scold them! LOLS! Out there guys nowaday are so no gentleman siaz!

My Darling finally can walked a few steps by his own!! Actually he should be able to walk by his own, i think he just don't dare to. Anyway he has made improvement. Now he can walk by holding one of my hand, previoously he insisted me to hold both of his hands then he will walk. LOLS. Nowaday he is getting more and more cute and naughty! But i still love him lotsss! HAHAS ^_^


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