pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 days working + 2 days midnight movies

I had not been working in esprit for 1 week already... I just went back to work on thursday till today... I was sort of tiring and sleepy, coz i did not sleep early and i can't sleep. The more let me rest, the more i feel slack, lols. Somemore after work still got to go and wait for my sis to go home together.

Recently it was seem like i can slack and give a break on weekend siaz. Yesterday xmm asked me for movie after work. She dropped by the store ard 9pm when the shop was not crowded. She walked to e sale corner and wanted to try that piece of jean she saw earlier. I told her it was already sold out, i got her to try other styles. I gave her 2 styles of skinny jeans to try. One of e jean i had already bought it at wisma, e other piece was i wanted to buy wan, but a lot of store did not have my size already. She was v bad leh... I told her about that, in e end she said she wanna buy. Purposely tempting me lor... heez... Somemore she was supposed to take size 26 instead of size 27, cos this type of jean after u waste for quite some time it will get bigger. But she refused to listen to me, ended up keep on complaining to mi tt it was v lose n like going to drop... hahaha...

We went for movie after my work... While walking toward to e escalator with her n siti, she suddenly came and hold my hand... Siti still teased us we r lesbian... she still told her tt we even got kiss photo in our frenster... alamak... made me paisei... >.< hehe... We decided to watch the disaster movie, e earlier wan in bj8. Actually she wanted to mama mia, but e timing was not rite. So far i dun realli like the disaster movie, it was damn stupidly and no logical at all. The movie even spoiled the chipmunk's image in my mind. Anyway some of e part was quite funny. Xmm got her fren Aaron to drive us bk after tt. I realli could not recognised this fellow when i saw him! Anyway this was my 3rd time saw him in person. And each of the time his image was totally different! so funny lor!

I am working m shift today... xmm suddenly called mi in the evening.. she asked me wanna watch mama mia tonight? This xmm har... thing tt she wanna do she will not drag n must b done asap. lols... Actually i had already promise to meet yijin n kehui for dinner, cos sunday is kehui's bday. i was sort of became e middle person, dunno where to go... plus i am v tired n slpy, i was actually wanna go to e market liao. In the end i met yijin n kehui at cafe catel for dinner lor... shiling called yijin to join us for e movie, but she dun wan. I joined shiling n xmm for e movie mama mia after e dinner... this show was a bit sianz to mi also... i nearly fell aslp in e cinema... as i am realli v tired n slpy le... half of e show was e singing part, onli certain part was v funny.

We went to eat supper at e coffee shop opp e bishan c.c.. after tt we walked for a while den took cab to e market, as they wanna c my nephew... Surprising tt my darling keiran let xmm to carry leh... hehe... we sat in front of e stall n chat for a while... after tt they took cab bk hm... as tt xmm was v tired n cannot stand it anymore already...


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