pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcoming a new life to this world...

Xmm and I went to KK hospital this evening to visit Shany's new born baby boy, Bao Xu Yi. E baby just look like his mother. He opened his sharp eyes looking @ us and ard when his father was carrying him, his father still teased us tt he was looking @ e pretty ladies. LOLS

Babies grows really fast, and its made mi think of my nephew, Keiran. Now he was already 9 months old. I recalled everything while we were waiting for his arrival at Mount.A hospital outside e delivery room. I would nv ever forget his first look when my bro in law pushed him out from e delivery room. He was just so adorable and small, just like my niece who left a very deep impression on our mind with her bright n sharp eyes when she just born.

Whenever i am unhappy and down, i would spend some of the time to play and look after my nephew. By seeing him can wipe all of my troubles away, even though it was just temporary. Well... life can be rather short, but do make sure u lead ur life painted with colours and no regret.

We met Shiling at amk hub after tt, den we went for our dinner at e s-11 beside e macdonald. As usual i would eat my noodle, due to e limited choices dw there they oso ordered noodle to eat. It was so coincidence tt my hairstylist Eason and his gf was just sitting in front of us eating. He even offered to buy me a drink, so PS. Shiling and erucia still thought who m i toking to, LOLS.

By hearing Shiling oftenly mentioned her store manager Wang, at last i got a clear and closer view of her just now. I think i onli saw her less den 3 times, and all the time i shld b bothering with my own vision on other things. She came down to e s-11 to pass e moon cake voucher to erucia, she purchased 10 boxs of moon cake from her.

I just learned abt a fren of mine just got into a relationship with a girl. I was sort of happy for him n slightly jealous. I dunno wat's wrong with me. Perhap tt was becos of from last time till now i onli have e share of admiring guys on e dark n quietly. No matter wad, i still dun wanna get into any of e relationship at e moment till i meet my right guy. I shall focus on other thing else, it was still not e rite timing! LOLS! >,<


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