pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today I am working M shift @ BJ8 with Siti and Kacy. This is my first time working with Siti ever since after she was transfered back to USQ. Recalled back last year she took MC on e most busy period midnight sale, I was really !@%#&$%^! Anyway I really hope that this time round she can do better than last time, no more MC and do better in everything, moreover now Corina is not ard already.

The moment i stepped into e store room, my head began to ache. IT WAS DAMN MESSY LOH! Really cannot tahan! When i wanted to start packing e store room, e driver came (wad a right timing siaz!). When i saw e cartons on e trolley, my head was getting more pain. I was wondering how am i going to pack e stocks!

My sis called me ard noon, she asked me wad time i knock off. At e same time she also passed me a very sudden and sad news... She told me tt "Ah Pei"'s(my neighbour aka her godpa who look after her when she was small) younger son, Ah beng and his wife just passed away in indonesia... I was very shocked and unbelievable at e moment...!!

Among all Ah Pei's sons, Ah Beng Kor Kor was e only one who was filial to him. The rest of e son is either take drug, unacknowledge him, being a gangster hanging ard and dun even have a proper job. The worse is they would even asked money from him! He was already 70+ yrs old! They shld be e one who give him money for survive instead!!

Now even e only son who are truly treat Ah Pei as a father was already...... I really feel so sad for them... Ah Pei is really very pitiful and tragic... He doesn't deserve all this!! I nearly could not control my tear when my sis told me and I told my cousin abt this on e fone. Wad is e cause of Ah Beng Kor Kor and his wife death are not found out yet. Ah Pei's e other 2 sons might not arrange a funeral at our hse dwstair due to great expenses, they might have just settle e body over there den send it over. Arghhhx... ~>,<~


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