pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Friday, September 12, 2008

2 steamboats in a day...

Arghhhhhsssssssssszzzzzzzz............... I failed my basic theory test again!!!!!!!! This is my sec time already!!! Damn it..... humptx.... Although i did not study much and frequently, but when i encountered e qns, i was quite confident as i remembered it clearly tt i read n saw it on e internet!!! I'm gonna work harder for my btt, my next booking is on 29 oct... I must pass... dun wanna waste my time anymore le.... =s

Yijin and i went to amkc to meet kehui, eileen and gordon for e steamboat. Actually today my mum got cook steamboat at home, and i had already eaten b4 i left e hse. A bit bored when i heard yijin said wanna go n eat steamboat. And of cos i went, cos can't be asking them to qian jiu mi alone rite... lols... Anyway we had a nice session by gather together n chatting.

So i actually had steamboat twice in a day...! Just now after bath i also ate it with my sis! I told her tt earlier on i had steamboat with my frens, she scolded mi crazy! hehe...

Well... Mark had been contacting me since he got my no. on the dnd. But today e whole day he did not call me at all, not even a single msg. I did not think much, i just deem tt he must be busy and tired. And of cos i'll not take e initially to contact him lah! Cos i dun wanna let him mistaken! I shldn't let it go on anymore too! He called me ard 3am just now when i was using e com, he asked me y i did not call him at all? I find it weird, he seem like still dun get wat i told him earlier tt i just wanna b fren with him. I'm gonna repeat n explain to him again loh... He was sad, and he told mi tt he was crying... Well... i really dunno wat to do and say further... In order not to let him have anymore fake hope, i told him tt i am admiring someone since long time ago.

I really hope tt he will understand, i believe tt be frens just like last time will be much more better den anything else. I'm so sorrie tt i really could not accept and take it as he totally got no news for e past 2 yrs, and den now suddenly appeared... Anyway i hope tt he will do well everything in sg and esprit...


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