pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last saturday, xmm, shiling, yijin & i went to e so called “大排挡” located at esplande and marina square there to eat. This place was discoverd by xmm and shiling, and they used to go there and eat once and a while.

We met at NVS and waited for yijin to knock off from work. From there we travelled to cityhall mrt station. Poor me, tt xmm tacked my nose when we were on e lift loh ~>,<~ i think it was becos of i've said something to disturb her, well.. i dun remember already also... PS: i guess she must be jealous of my nose being so sharp, kekeke.. =x This time round was my sec time eating at “大排挡”, the food was not tt nice as e first time they brought mi there to eat. Yet it was still a nice place to sit down and eat and chit chatting. After the supper, we went to walk ard there as to disgest all e food in our stomachs... ALL of us was damn FULL ... LOLS.... We managed to findd some place to sit down and rest... I guess e atmosphere was too gd till there was a plently of couples dating down there. We even saw a pair of young couple sitting down there and ............ hehehe... well... i guess u shld noe what i am refering to ... Anyway it was only available to ppl who are 18 yrs old and above... =P Tt shiling was on the fone all the while, we can onli entertained ourselves lor... I realli seduced myself tt i could think up of a name for tt xmm -> ka po jim aka frog crap!!! Muahahaha! Guess wad... cos she always love to make tt noise, and she can't even walk straight at all! =x We made a lot of laughter and joy on e bus, it was realli enjoyable siaz~

Honestly, i do like the atmosphere night gaze over there... it was sort of quietness... it was such a nice place overall... I would love to have more gathering over there...


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