pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Friday, June 6, 2008

E 2rd day of e month working @ nvs...

Today i am working M shift with Ah Lian Rita and Lydia, at first i still thought tt either Danny or Shany is working, lols. There was a new general helper reporting to work just now. We gonna brief and teach her how to do n pack e stocks, at first i still glad tt i dun need to do e stock lor, heees.

Actually i wanted to meet tt erucia xiao mei mei for dinner after my work to pass her e birthday present, but she last minute need to go to raffles city for meeting. She dropped by nvs ard 7pm+ when i was concentrate on e tacking. She called me from my back, i was kanna shocked, lols.

We banded down beside the fitting chit chatting for a while. She was seem like more happy den b4, she said nowaday she always sleep at 9pm, wake up at 6am for work. I was glad to c her in this status~ PS: xmm, do maintain like this, and be happy wors! =D

I handed the present to her b4 she gotta go off to take cab. She was surprised and shocked when she saw the present was so big! And i even tied a string in order to let her carry easily, hehe. After a while she had left, she sms me. She apologized tt she could not make it for e dinner today, she'll meet me on some other day. She also said tt when my birthday, i'll get it from her! Hahahaha!

I like the wrapping paper siaz! I need 3 wrapping papers to wrap it up, can try to imagine how big it is! Lols! Lucky I got my sis to help me wrap, or else i wonder how am i going to wrap!

Did u notice there was some stickers on it? Tt was my little princess Milla's specially doing!

This wood craft dream house took me quite a few hours to build it. I like it so much! I'll just leave e colouring to tt xmm^^^

By searching e transparent display case was already a hard time for me, thks god tt i've found it at last!

PS: Xmm, hope tt u will like e present bah^^^ =D


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