pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Monday, October 20, 2008


I went to visit Ah Pei, my sis's godpa on saturday with my mum at a cantonese nurising home at serangoon road. Heart was ache when got to see him. He has slim down a lot, and was laying on the bed with the bag of water that have to insert onto his body. My mum said that not long ago she went to TTSH visited him, he was not like now at least he still could waited for my mum outside the entrance there. My mum nearly could not recognised him...! What a big different?

Previously he only told us that there was something grow on his body, and he only have to stay in the hospital to wait for it to be remove. He told us that he will have to go for some "dian liao" on wednesday... My mum told me that the thing tt grow on his body must be cancer, or else he will not have to go for the dian liao. At first i did not believe it at all, i even told my mum not to anyhow say. But in the end i will have to convince myself to believe it must be... or else how will he become so weak and thin in such a short period, somemore he still got to go for the dian liao! Sighz... tml might be visiting him with my mum after work... Hopefully everything will be fine to him... He had already suffered so much, its time for him to have a good life...

Met Ching young for dinner at one of amkc coffeeshop, he brought me to eat "Astons" western food. Lucky that group of bastard was not there, or else they will definitely spoilt my mood. I just got to know CY's mum was actually a beauty consultant who r helping other to wash n massage their faces. I was a bit surprised actually, cos nv ever thought of tt. Lols. We went to amkc for a short walk after dinner. I bought a water boiler, he helped me to carry and accompanied to the bus interchange wait for the bus. His stomach was very easily get senitive, hope that he will be fine.

I got a called from Star not long ago after i was back from the market. The first word she uttered out was she got a good and a bad new for me. The first thing tt came across my mind is.. she got pregnant... But i was wronged! Something terrible had happened to her 3 days ago!! Her bf even broke up with her becos of tt!!! I dunno how am i going to comfort and calm her down. If she was willingly to listen to me back den, this type of thing will never happen to her... Sighx =(


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