pAraDisE oF mEloDy

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

300908 Raining day

Yesterday i went to watch movie "Painted Skin" by Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun and Zheng Zi Dan @ amk hub with Shiling. I got asked Yijin and xmm to along, but yijin said she had already promised hui shan to watch with her. As for tt xmm, she said she got OT, plus she heard from her fren tt movie is not really very nice. I am glad tt i was not hesitated to watch it after listening to tt xmm's words. Overall of the movie is really very nice and touching, i like it very much! Especially the OST of the movie, wat a pity i only managed to find the theme song instead of the background music.

I was back to work today, and gonna continue 3 days works. Tml is a occasion, Hari Raya, I got double pay, and i will be working at BJ2. Hopefully everything will be smooth n easy for the following 2 days ba!

There was a lot of stocks came just now loh! I really feel like fainting when i saw the stocks! The driver told me all the stocks is for e store wan, I still treated as he was kidding with me siaz! I had spent quite sometime on checking and packing the stocks. The stock room was damn pack n full till i dunno how am i going to put the stocks. Lucky tt candy aunty helped mi, she asked mi to removed some of the t shirts and put it into a carton. LOLS!

I managed to finish everything b4 the store closed, yeahs~ To my surprising, somebody was standing outside the store calling mi when i was vaccuming e floor. Guess who is tt? Ha... is tt xmm and tan sze ling lor. Did not expect tt they will pop by.. after tt i den found out from tt xmm.. her hse was actually kanna painting n coffee smeshing outside e corridor n lift by those unknown ppl. She was very angry and had already made a police report. She gonna be more alert and careful nowaday when she go home at late night siaz. i'm quite worry for her >.<

We went to amkc macdonald to eat after that. xmm passed me louis pic tt she cut down from the newspaper, she even lumited for mi, i'm so touch.. keke... After supper we walked together to the bus stop...


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